On a one on one setting you’ll receive focused attention and detailed feedback throughout the session. By taking an individualized approach I’ll explain each technique and make corrections on-the-spot to ensure you make progress at a more accelerated rate and reach your goals.
Nowadays, more than any other time in history, we live in a service based economy in which most men aren’t able to express their manliness. At the same time that men grew in making a better living by providing service instead of being involved in doing laborious work most started to drown into complacency…
Martial Arts can be a great complement to your fitness or strength training. There’s so many benefits to it that you really should consider giving it a try. The benefits aren’t just getting into shape or learning self-defense, it goes way beyond that. Martial Arts helps you feel a deeper connection to your soul and rediscover who you truly are…
A child’s level of confidence is always equivalent to the challenges he’s able to overcome. Nowadays, it’s critical that us parents and caregivers help our children learn how to navigate this world by developing in them, from an early age, skills of self-discipline, self-control, and self-confidence…