Find the Fighter in you.

Find the Fighter in you.


Why Martial Arts

There are several physical benefits associated with Martial Arts such as losing weight and lowering blood pressure, but are you aware of the emotional and psychological benefits one can reap from it’s practice? Martial Arts is the perfect tool you can use to release stress, anxiety and overcome fears.

The practice alone aids growth and boosts confidence in that it pushes you out of your comfort zone like nothing else. As you know, anything worth achieving in life requires discipline, patience, and consistency. Just like a muscle, it takes time to develop those skills but through the practice of a Martial Art one can speed up the process and reap all the benefits earlier.

Not only that, self-defense is also a critical survival skill. Just like walking and swimming are essential life skills, the one who’s able to stand up for himself is better prepared to respond to a threat at any given moment and at any given time. 


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Take the leap in your training journey and accelerate your progress in the most effective way.

My Reputation

I thought, if I’m going to start a martial art in my mid-30s, it made sense to start with someone whose credentials are verifiable and impressive. I could not ask for a better coach and teammate than Raf. He is friendly, honest and incredibly humble.
— S. Larsen - Attorney

Our son has really enjoyed his training and has grown from it in so many ways. We have seen his confidence rise along with his training. He has came a long way with controlling his emotions and focusing on the task at hand. Raf is a good man with great skills and attributes that can benefit anyone.
— Mr. & Mrs. Tyler

Adding private MMA training sessions with Raf has helped me reach new heights. The adrenalin and excitement involved in sparring is unlike any workout I have ever experienced.
— Robert Patterson - Entrepreneur


About me

I’m Rafaello Oliveira

4th degree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt from Northeastern of Brazil who came to the U.S in pursuit of a pro-career in MMA. 

Since my arrival in 2007 I’ve competed in several world class Jiu Jitsu Tournaments as well as many MMA events, including the UFC, where I fought some of the best fighters in the world. In the UFC I’ve been part of some of the largest events in history, including UFC 148 - Silva vs. Sonnen II, and UFC 170 - Rousey vs. McMann.

The years of dedication, relentless grit and consistency of effort not only helped me to achieve my dream to step eight times inside the most famous octagon in the world but gave me the opportunity to be a training partner of several amazing fighters like BJ Penn, the Miller’s brothers, Frank Edgar, and Ovince Saint Preux, which has achieved his black belt under my coaching.

Today, with over 10.000 hrs of practice in Jiu Jitsu, my passion for the sport keeps growing strong. I’m still an avid competitor and when not training I dedicate my time in helping others to achieve more in their lives by teaching them the mental toughness I’d acquired through the art of Jiu Jitsu.

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